

NAPA includes a wide range of psychological tests and their evaluations. This includes a Big Five test and the assessment of individuals without the need to compare them to others. Various cognitive, social and other factors are assessed that allow specific statements to be made in various areas.

The software is geared to the needs of psychologists, social and official institutions that require specific assessments of a person, as well as socio-educational and educational institutions.


All modern ERP systems and business software tools offer a wide variety of interfaces to exchange data with other systems in a very specific and individual way.

We have tools that are necessary to optimally prepare such data, process them as desired and transfer them to the other system.


Our artificial intelligence-based reputation protection solution can help identify when your company's public communications are in any way problematic or vulnerable and warn you in advance.

It can also help you to recognize upcoming "shitstorms" early on and thus give you the opportunity to react in good time before the PR disaster is inevitable.

FinTech Solution

We have a lot of experience in exchanging bank details. The tools, interfaces and knowledge we have already developed can help you if you want to integrate direct payment transactions via bank accounts directly into your software.

PostgreSQL CDC-Toolkit


Do you have complex data pipelines and want to connect processes without write-amplification?
Would you like to synchronize complex data lakes with each other without burdening your systems with additional write operations?
Or do you have existing postgres applications and want to be informed when the data changes, but do not want to change the existing SQL schema?
Do you want a recording of your data changes as a separate component that does not require any logical adjustments to your application?

Our tools work with the postgres internal log, so no further persistence is necessary.
In this way, we can optimally filter and process data changes and, if desired, transfer them to complex system landscapes.

Process Workshop

In our structured process workshops, we get to know your company and your processes and then go through your existing physical and digital processes. In doing so, we try to identify weak points and synergies and to work out new solutions for possible time wasters and other problems - both in relation to the software and your physical processes.

We can also define such requirements for new tools and evaluate and design new systems or functionalities.
